Biker Entourage, LLC

Content ownership, Fair Use policy and legal disclaimer details for media and content used on this website, on our social media, our apps and other platforms.

This site and our social media may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner, and which we include, disseminate, reference, stream, or direct to in accord with our educational, safety, activist, political, biker community, First Amendment discourse, not-for-profit safety mission, bikelife and motorcycling ambassadorship, and the advancement of an understanding of motorcycles, bikers, squids, bikelife and gas culture objectives. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided in the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C., the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest by surfing to this website, or accessing our social media and apps, in receiving the included information for research, educational, political action, biker community and other non-commercial purposes.

Except for content and media that we expressly state is ours or another's, our logos and trademarks, our original articles and content, content from, and other similar material that patently appears to be ours, we do not claim copyright ownership to any of the other content and media appearing on our website, social media accounts or apps. This is particularly the case with other peeps' social media accounts' feeds that appear on our website. Note that we have no control over the content of these accounts and their feeds, and we have no relation to these accounts or their owners.

Please email us if you are unsure of our ownership of content or if you want permission to use our copyrighted content.

Please email us with supporting documentation if you believe there is a copyright infringement and would like us to take down any content for any other legitimate reasons. We will be happy to do so if warranted.

Please note that as a motorcycle think-tank, community leader, educational initiative, discourse enabler, bike culture and industry portal, and biker safety advocate, the purpose and nature of our use of media and other content is for transformative, noncommercial and non-aesthetic purposes, and all our use of others' content is for "fair use" purposes only.

These include: improving access to and encouraging discourse, community development, charitable purposes, safety issues, and other advocacy and concerns for motorcyclists and bikelife, especially regarding new and cutting edge social, legal, safety and technological issues (especially with regard to serving as a portal for our not-for-profit initiative; altering the original content with new expression, meaning or messages, particularly when viewed within the context of the totality of Biker Entourage's mission, website and social media account content and tenor; adding value to the original by creating new information, new aesthetics, new insights and understandings, particularly when viewed within the context of the totality of Biker Entourage's mission, website and social media account content and tenor; as a curated touchstone for those interested in "taking the pulse" of and understanding motorcycle and gas culture, particularly those who are biker newbies and do not otherwise have an understanding of or access to this culture; and preserving, cataloging, and making available issues we believe are important.


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